Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Life of a Graduate

Yes...it's been a while. Many things have changed since I last updated this blog. Mainly, I am now a college graduate. I was sitting here in Myrtle Beach with some of my friends and a thought came to mind about my blog. Now that I am not in constant contact with many of the people who I regularly talked to, I figured it would be best if I started my blog back to keep people informed of what is going on in my life.

I have some extensive plans ahead. Currently, I am living out of my car...which is parked in Blacksburg, Virginia. My best friend Colton came from Arizona for my graduation. After exploring Virginia for a few days, doing graduation stuff, and then visiting some more of Virginia, we headed to Ohio. I spent a couple days in Columbus with some friends and then headed south to Virginia Tech. After attending the Virginia Tech graduation, we headed down here to Myrtle Beach.

I'm burned...I tend to be like every other person who has lighter skin and lays in the sun just hoping today is the day I will get a tan. I didn't. I just got red. I'm here until Friday.

A week from today (next Tuesday), I will be flying to Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic. It's kinda scary, but my plans are not in stone yet. I talked to a man in the DR today who is setting me up with a place to live and such. I should hear back from him sometime tomorrow about where I'm gonna be working and living and stuff.

I am flying on June 19th from the Dominican Republic to San Francisco to spend another wonderful summer in Santa Cruz working for CTY. After returning from California in August, I will be moving to Richmond and living with my friend Tarah. I will be working (hopefully a state or a federal job) for a while and saving money to attend flight school.

I will be keeping the blog up to date, especially while I'm in the Dominican!

Until next time, Zach will leave it at that.