Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Is It Gonna Work?

So, my blog fails. Epically. When I'm doing something cool (like travelling in Ecuador or working in California), I seem to have no problem keeping everyone updated with what is going on in my life. But, when I am in school and busy doing other stuff, my blog falls to the back burner. That is proven by the fact it hasn't been updated in nearly 4 months. Maybe more than that. I want to change that. This is my last semester in college. I've learned something I suppose. I want my blog not only to be about the fun stuff that happens in my life, but letting you in on stuff that I've learned over my past few years here at Emory & Henry.

I'll just highlight some important points from the past few months of my life:
  • My summer ended great. After finishing work at CTY in California, I travelled to Yosemite National Park and Las Vegas. It ended up being the best summer of my life.
  • I began my work as President of the Student Body.
  • I have been working as an intern with the Crisis Center in Bristol. I help people solve their problems. It is quite challenging, but at the same time I am learning a lot about myself and other people.
  • This is my last fall semester at Emory & Henry. Wow. It is over in two weeks!

As most of you know, I am fascinated by airplanes. One of my good friends helped me realize that I am not going to be happy unless I'm a pilot. So, after I graduate from Emory & Henry, I am going to pilot school to become a professional pilot. I get more and more excited about this each day. I was driving through Bristol today and I saw a jet preparing for it's landing at Tri-Cities Airport and I got really excited. I know...you probably think I'm weird as hell, but that's the kind of thing I get excited about. If everything goes as planned, I am going to enter an accelerated training program after graduation and I should have my commercial pilot's license 5 months after I gradate from E&H and hopefully this time next year I'll be working for an airline!

Here is what I want my blog to give you over the next little while: what I know, what I learn, what I experience in my travelling (I have upcoming trips over Christmas break to Arizona and London, England), my thoughts on things I read (I'll put up interesting articles and such), what one's last semester of college is like, and everything in between.

I hope I don't slack as usual.

Until next time, Zach will leave it at that.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Yay! Your blog is back in action! Now you have to post every single day, k?