Saturday, January 16, 2010

I Just Haven't Met You Yet!

Yes. I've slacked once again. I updated on the 2nd of January about my New Years. My trip to England and Ireland was great. During the time we were in Ireland it came a massive ice storm and the public transportation system (buses, airport, etc.) completely shut down. It made for an interesting time but we ended up getting out of Ireland on time and getting back to the US.

The past week has been busy. I began my last semester of college. I actually have some great classes this semester. I have my senior seminar class for my major, Politics & Public Policy, Statistics, International Communication, and an independent study called Memory, History, and Place. I'm really gonna enjoy my work while at the same time looking forward to graduation and heading off to pilot school afterward.

Hopefully I'll have a more meaningful update in a couple days. I'm gonna be reading some great books this semester so I hope to let you in on some of my thoughts with those.

Until then, I'm gonna leave you with a little tune. I heard it the other day and I think it is funny as it kind of explains my love life I suppose. I've always been a fan of Michael Buble and this is one of the first upbeat songs I have heard from him. Enjoy it!

Until next time, Zach will leave it at that.

1 comment:

Hazm said...

Zach, since you mentioned Memory, History and Place; there's a well known scholar named Edward Said. He's a Palestinian scholar on Western literature/cultural studies. He talks extensively in his memoir: Out of Place about Memory and Place. Finally, Letters of Transit is a collection of short essays published by the NYPL of various writers and scholars who emphasize memory and place. I think you will like it.