Friday, January 30, 2009

A Week Has Gone By?!

Hey everyone (or at least people that read my blog.) I never sleep in. I don't have class until 11:00 today but I was still awake at 7:50 this morning. I kind of like it because it gives me time to do random stuff, such as update my blog, when I normally wouldn't have time. I went to bed at 11:00 last night, which is normal for me, so I guess going to bed early is what causes me to wake up early. I would rather get up early than stay up late though.

This past week has been good. It has just been super busy. I can't believe it is Friday already! It seems like this semester started up much quicker than last semester. All of the work for my classes is keeping me pretty busy. I have a lot of reading and I need to spend this weekend getting caught up on some stuff that I have fallen behind on.

On Wednesday night we had the Village Bonfire. The picture below is a picture of all the RAs in the Village. It was a lot of fun. We just hung out with some of our residents and roasted some marshmallows and weenies. When you ask the college to supply wood for a fire you are going to build, they usually supply old desks or something similar. So, we arrived at the fire to find a pile of desks covered with diesel fuel. It was a hot fire, none-the-less. I think I scorched my beard a little bit.

I have no plans for the weekend. I am trying to conserve money and not waste gas so I don't plan on going anywhere far. I have readings to catch up on and a few things I can write on so I'm just gonna stick around here and relax. I know...I lead a very exciting life.

Until next time, Zach will leave it at that.

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