Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Day of No Power

I've thought a lot today about what to write on here tonight. Yesterday I had a pretty profound experience at the airport...but today, there hasn't been anything much that has happened. But, one has to learn to appreciate the little things I suppose.

I really enjoy all the guys that live on my hall. I've been an RA for nearly 3 years now and this is the first year I actually feel like there is a sense of community on my hall. Even though there are times when I know I should be doing work, I always enjoy my residents coming into my room and hanging out. I wanted to do something for them, so I decided we would go out to pizza this evening.
The wind has been terrible here today. We lost power around 1pm this afternoon and didn't get it back until around 10:15 tonight. They asked us RAs to be in the buildings at all time, so that shot the pizza plans into the air. I decided instead of going out to eat pizza, we would just order it and chill in my room.

As me and my resident Kameron were going to Glade Spring to pick up the pizza, the sunset was amazing. I stopped beside the road and got this picture of the sky. I thought it was beautiful.

We got back and a bunch of guys gathered in my room and just hung out and ate pizza. It made me think a lot though. Even though the guys on the hall all get along, it took a situation like the power going out to just sit around in my room all together and talk. We had no TVs, internet, anything. But we, a bunch of guys in college, just sat around and told ghost stories and stuff. It was enjoyable. It is a part of college I will miss. I am eager to graduate, but I will miss having a bunch of friends who live just right down the hall from me.

What did I learn from this experience today? We need to take time to be with our friends. Even if the power is on and everything is perfectly fine, turn off the TV, close your laptop, order a pizza, sit down, and have a good time just enjoying each others company. You may enjoy it more than you realize.

All this came from one simple happening...the power going out. Even though most people saw it as an aggravation, I saw it as a good time and hopefully the guys on my hall did the same. Maybe it will happen again sometime next semester.

Until next time, Zach will leave it at that.

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