Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My Face is Breathing

Hola señors and señoritas! My spanish is improving! Although, that is about all I can say. I am hopefully going to have one of the RAs who is a Spanish major give me lessons for a few weeks before I go to Ecuador.

Hence the title of this post, I have shaved off my beard and mustache. I look a few years younger. I kind of like it. I have lost a lot of weight since last having my face smooth so my face is much slimmer. I have begun to run for exercize. I run a mile at a time. I began a couple weeks ago and I like to do it every day. With my iPod in, I find it quite fun. And, I feel better after I have done it.

I am going to Cincinnati April 24-26th to visit my friend Colton and plan our cross country road trip to California. I am also on his Relay for Life team the weekend that I am there, so I am going to try and raise some money before I go. If there are any faithful blog readers out there who would like to donate a couple dollars, you can click here and make an online donation for our team. Any little bit helps and it goes to a good cause. I was very involved with Relay in high school and I haven't had the chance since coming to college to be involved, so I am very excited about relaying again.

I stay so busy with all of my classes...it is nuts. I was just thinking the other day: it is really a shame that I have a $500 TV sitting in my living room but I never turn it on except when I have time on the weekends, and sometimes I don't even turn it on during the weekends. It is nuts.

We have under 6 weeks of school left. I think I'm going to pack up some of my stuff and take it home soon. I have so much crap I never use in my apartment and it basically just takes up space. I'm moving back to Hillman next year, which is the freshman guy's dorm. I will not have an apartment, only a triple room to myself. But, I'm not that disappointed. I will miss my bathroom, but I don't mind living in a small space. It makes me feel more at home. I don't think I could ever live in a big house. I'm happy with small spaces.

It's my bedtime. I'm leaving you with a picture of the repo crew and the car we repossessed. I still can't believe I rolled up to a lady's house and took her vehicle away. That's kind of against what I've learned in college. I've decided...I'm applying for the Peace Corps. For sure.

Until next time, Zach will leave it at that.

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