Wednesday, July 9, 2008

No More Mr. Nice RA

The days are flying by. It is hard to believe that I have been here in Santa Cruz for almost 2 weeks already. I have had a hard couple of days. It's a long story and I shouldn't go into it on here, so I'll tell you later.

I think I started out my job being to nice...haha. Since I have never really worked with kids before I didn't realize that if you didn't set ground rules in the beginning that it is hard to set them after about a week. Kids are sneaky...they will lie straight to your face and that aggravates me sometimes. The students here are not allowed to have their cell phones outside of the dorms at any time. I used to just peck on their shoulder and be like, "you shouldn't have need to put it back in your pocket." Now, since I am no longer nice, I take their cell phone away and give it to their RA.

My day off is coming up on July 15th...which is a week from today. I am really excited. Since I don't have a vehicle here I'm not gonna go far. First off, I'm going to sleep in. Second, I am going to ride the bus into town and lay on the beach for a couple of hours. Third, I am going to seek out Jack in the Box so I can have a biscuit. Fourth, I am going to shop. Fifth, I may go back to the beach for a while. Then, I'm going to go star gazing to end the day. It will be relaxing.

Just a reminder, I will no longer be a teenager in 6 days. Therefore, if you want your card to get here on time, you should go ahead and mail it. I've not received any mail since I've been out here so it would be a treat. I posted my address a week or so ago so feel free to mail me something.

Hope everyone has a great day! Until next time, Zach will leave it at that.

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